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Josef Pausch 1948 - 2010 † 

1948 born in Micheldorf / Austria and died 2010 in Linz / Austria



University for Art and Design Linz, Austria

Art Institut of Chicago, USA

Colleg of Graphic Arts & Photography, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Visual Study Workshop, Natan Lyons, Rochester, USA

MOMA, N.Y., Museumworkshop, John Szarkovsky, Curator of the Department Photography

State University of New Mexico, Baumont Newhall


1979 Studyship of the State Departement Austria

1979 Studyship for Art (Minestry for Science and Art), Austria

1978 Collaborator with Forum Metal Linz, Austria

1980 Collaborator with John Coplan (Photographer and founder of „ARTFORUM), USA

1980 Artdirector at VOGUE Inc., N.Y., USA

1981 Assistent with Horst P. Horst, and Richard Avedon N.Y., USA

1982-1985 Artdirector at Condé Nast - VOGUE, USA

Collaborator with Heinz Henisch, State College, PA., USA

Collaborator at the Museum of Moderne Art with Fernando Gamboa, Mexico City

Curator and co-founder of the Departement Photography at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA, N.Y., USA)


1980 Vistingteacher at „Friends of Photography, Carmel Californien“,Ansel Adams Foundation, USA

1989-1992 Visiting Professor at State University of N.Y., (Parson) USA

1990-2006 Visiting Professor at Architect Assaciation London, GB

1992-2010 Teacher at University for Art and Design Linz, Austria

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